Tuesday, September 11, 2012

one half

Today you are one half of a year. This definitely blows my mind. It feels like yesterday that we drove to the hospital to meet you only a few hours later. Nana and Papa met us at the hospital to take Hazel...they beat us there. It feels like yesterday that everyone was so excited (and a little surprised) to meet you! It feels like yesterday when I started sobbing in the doctors office after she told us you had to hang out another night in the hospital under the blue lights. It feels like yesterday that your sister met you and wanted to hold you, and for no one else to hold you. It feels like yesterday. But it's not. It's today, and you are six months old. You are still the happiest, ever...however, teething has entered our world, and it is not your friend. Although there is no visual proof of teeth, we know the signs...drooling, chomping (hard) on anything you can get your hands on, and crankiness for no other reason. We'll get through it, I promise. Aside from starting solids, there is other news. You know how to roll. We haven't seen you do it, but we've seen evidence. You were on your tummy when we got you one morning. I put you on your tummy on the floor for tummy time, and when I looked at you after I sat down, you were already on your back. Apparently tummy time was not on your agenda. So, although you choose not to roll often, we know you can do it! You have started pushing your legs up under you a bit too. Not a ton, but some. You do like being on your tummy more and more. You love looking in the mirror. And you really love putting stuff in your mouth. Anything you can get your hands (mouth) on. You are also discovering your voice. You've been trying new sounds and volumes. You are starting to mimic sounds a little (mostly tones). Can't wait for the "Mama's" to start!

We love you so very much,
Mommy and Daddy

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